Welcome to your MONTHLY EXAM - 1° SEC.
1. Complete with the articles a – an:
I am _______ English teacher. My sister is _______ engineer in _______ factory. We have _______ aunt and _______ uncle. They live in _______ house with _______ beautiful garden.
2. Complete using There is – There are (Affrimative form)
- _________________ a restaurant near my house.
- _________________ many children in the school.
- _________________ a bag on the table.
3. Complete using Is there – Are there (Interrogative form)
- _________________ many trains to Madrid?
- _________________ any milk in the fridge?
- _________________ ten banks near here?
4. Complete:
a. _________________ an apple in the fridge.
b. How many supermarkets _________________ in the city?
c. _________________ five dogs.
5. Mark the correct Time:
6. Mark the correct Time:
7. Match the Greetings:
a) You´re welcome ___ Hasta luego
b) Take care ___ Gusto en conocerte
c) Excuse me ___ De nada
d) See you later ___ Disculpame
e) Nice to meet you ___ Cuidate
8. Write two sentences using there is and there are, affirmative, negative and interrogative form:
S: ________________________________________ S: ________________________________________
A: ________________________________________ A: ________________________________________
N: ________________________________________ N: ________________________________________
I: ________________________________________ I: ________________________________________
S: Spanish
A: Affirmative
N: Negative
I: Interrogative
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